To install Kirby's Dream World on a PC running either Windows 8/8.1 or Windows 10, please follow these steps. It isn't quite the same as installing it on an older OS, but the setup is pretty straight forward.
Step 1: Download and Save the Game
Simple enough. Go to the DOWNLOAD page on our website, and download the latest version of the game. (We recommend saving it in a location that is easy to remember -- such as "My Documents."
Step 2: Extract the Game Files
Once the game is downloaded, right click on the zip folder and go to the extract option. This process should only take a few seconds, and once it is done you may delete the original zip folder.
Step 3: Run the SET_UP File as an Admin in Compatibility Mode
After extracting the files, open the newly created Kirby's Dream World folder, and find the "SET_UP" file. This file installs key runtime files required for programs created with VB6 (in other words, Kirby's Dream World), but when using Windows 8 you cannot install it as you normally would.
Instead of double clicking the file and installing it, you will need to run the install as an Admin, and in Windows 7 Compatibility mode. To do this, right click the SET_UP File, and go down to "Properties." Once here, look for the tab labeled "Compatibility," and click on it. On this screen, check the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and then use the drop down menu below to switch it to "Windows 7." Once you have done this, look at the bottom of the window, and check the box that says "Run this program as an administrator." Once both boxes are checked, hit OK, and double click the program to install it.
Note: If you have ever installed these files in the past, you should not have to do it again. This is a one time install.
Step 4: Run the Windows Fix as Admin in Compatibility Mode:
Just as with the SET_UP Files, the Windows Fix is another EXE file you'll have to run as an Admin and in Compatibility Mode. Simply right click it, and follow the steps you did above (right click, select properties, click compatibility, check compatibility and use the drop down to select Windows 7, and check the Admin option at the bottom). Once you have done this, simply run the Windows Fix and you will be finished. This file makes minor changes to your PC so that it can run VB6 programs such as Kirby's Dream World, and is something you only have to do once.
Step 5: Play!
Once everything is installed, double click on the "Client" folder, and run the Kirby's Dream World EXE file. Kirby's Dream World should start, and you'll be ready to go. Just use the menus on the left side to create an account and log in, and you are set.
If you have followed the above steps, yet you are still having issues getting Kirby's Dream World to run -- the following are some things you can try to hopefully resolve the problem. If you are still having issues after trying each extra step below, please feel free to ask for help over at our forums.
1. A simple extra step you can try is to run Kirby's Dream World in Windows XP Compatibility mode. Just as before, right click the program, go to properties, click on the compatibility tab, check the box near the top, and use the drop down to select Windows XP.
2. Install Service Pack 6 for VB6 Runtime Files. These files are not included in the Kirby's Dream World download, but they can be found over at the official Microsoft website (along with our supplied files):
3. Try running both the SET_UP, and Windows Fix outside of compatibility mode as well. Although this has only been required for a handful of people, at times both files need to be ran in both Windows 8 mode, and in Windows 7 Compatibility Mode. If this is the case, go back to properties for both, and uncheck the Compatibility Mode box before running the files again. (If this does not work, as an extra step you may want to consider doing this for the Service Pack 6 files listed above as well.)
4. Install the SET_UP files in SysWOW64 instead of System32. When running the SET_UP File you'll be given the option of where you want to save them. By default these will go to System32, but in some rare cases users have had to change this to "SysWOW64" instead. To do so, simply click browse, go back one folder level, and select SysWOW64 which is located directly under System32.
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