Having trouble logging into KDW? Well sadly our IP address has changed. It's actually been quite a long time since we've had this issue (a few years actually), but it has happened once again. So, what do you do? It's simple. We have added a new patch folder to our download list, which can also be accessed below. Whenever something new is added to KDW, simply go to that link, download the new files, and copy them into your KDW client folder. It'll ask you to overwrite the current data, and all you have to do is say yes. In this case, it'll be a config file.
Sorry about the mess up guys, but this is something we don't have control over ourselves.
For the latest patch, CLICK HERE and open the "patch" folder, and open the latest date. Currently there will only be one for 8-22-2016, but in the future we will add others.
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