Friday, May 29, 2015

KDW Trivia: Fun Fact #4 - The Hang-Out

Did you know that the "Hang-Out" was the first area created, that it is/was home to Steve the Tree, and that it holds many dream world records?

Originally the area was a test area created by Legend and the GM Vile. It was a bland map with grass, some water to the south, a tree to the west, and a fence to the north. A "race track" was also placed in the center for Legend and Vile to drive around on their default go-kart sprites, but this was soon removed for the first Beta release.

For many years the Hang-Out had two "issues" that many players came to love. The first was how you entered Dream World -- standing on a fence. By default when players entered the world for the first time, and whenever they died, they would spawn to the north of the Hang-Out on top of the fence. Sure all they would have to do is step down to get off of it, but for some that was confusing. Also because of this, signs and other objects could not be placed to the south of where players spawned, or they would become stuck. To avoid this issue, the signs to help new players were placed around the spawn point leaving a gap which is still there to this day.

The other issue with the Hang-Out is a little tree fans decided to name "Steve." Steve the Tree is (or as some would say "was") the tree that stands on the west side of the map. Originally Steve was an incomplete tree. Due to the lack of tiles, Steve's right side was completely cut off at a sharp angle (making it obvious that the tiles were missing). It wasn't something that could be fixed back then, but when it was finally fixed fans revolted. SAVE STEVE! This is an argument that continues even to this day. Some would rather have him fixed, others would rather see the leafs being cut off. This is the reason why Steve's appearance constantly changes as sometimes his leafs are gone, and and other times they are there. Although, the original Steve can forever be seen in one of the other Hang-Outs.

While most maps in KDW are unique single areas, the Hang-Out is special as it has a seemingly endless amount of clones. For example, there's the real Hang-Out, there is a past version, a future version, there are two fake Hang-Outs in the puzzle chamber, a "Memory Lane" version, an archive version from the early days of KDW, and there are also Hang-Outs that resemble THE Hang-Out, but at the same time are maps of their own. Of course most of these clones are hidden within KDW, and may never even be found by some players out there, but that doesn't change the fact that they are there. Just remember, if the Hang-Out looks different to you, then it most likely isn't the real one.

Besides having a crazy amount of clones, the Hang-Out is the map with the most entrances. There's the entrance from the Newbie School from when you first start KDW, there's the way in from the beach, the entrance from the park, the entrance from the fields, an entrance from a hidden area across the sea to the south (which opens during special times), and the stairs coming from the Eon8 bunker; however, that's not all. All throughout KDW are warps that will take you back to the Hang-Out. Just how many warps are there? Who knows! One thing is for sure though, nearly every corner of the game will bring you back, and just about every secret path will contain at least one way back as well. If you ever get lost, and your Kirby Cell isn't set, then just keep on exploring and sooner or later you'll be at the Hang-Out.

The other records the Hang-Out holds are less noticeable. It is the map that tends to change the most (as it has had small updates over time and is typically used for special events), and it is also the map people tend to spend the most time in. Despite there being over 3,000 maps in game, the Hang-Out is a place most people go to do just that.

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